By K Love
It was 2010 when Chris Rademaker and Jodi King followed a call God put on their hearts – selling their home, and lots of other stuff, as they headed out to pursue a musical adventure as the husband-wife duo Love & The Outcome.
“Life on the road was all we’d ever known,” says Jodi, who met her husband while touring with Canadian worship artist Jon Buller. “So when we hit the road, we just responded to what God challenged us to be.”
The song “King Of My Heart,” off their self-titled album (August 27, 2013), is a great reminder that God’s love is bigger than any of our trials. “Like David, we all face battles that threaten to overtake us,” explains Chris. “In the midst of selling everything we owned and setting out on the road, my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. We decided to postpone all of our shows to go back to Canada to be with her. That whole year took us to our breaking point, but that’s right where our Savior met us.”
Jodi adds, “Paul encourages us in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that in our weakness, God is strong. So when you’re up against your Goliath and when you feel yourself falling to pieces, just remember that the King of your heart is bigger than the battle you’re facing.”
“We’ve traveled to Liberia, the Philippines and China in the last couple of years,” he says. “When you’re together and you’re worshiping, everyone is the same. It doesn’t matter what you look like or what you smell like: Everyone wants to welcome you into the family.”
Blending Chris’ love for rock music, and Jodi’s love for pop, Love & The Outcome, aims to inspire listeners to follow Christ with their catchy tunes. “We want to inspire people to follow Jesus,” Jodi says. “We want these songs to become a lifestyle, and hope that the truth of these songs goes beyond the thrill of the live show to plant a seed in people’s hearts: to go for the things that they might be afraid to go for and join this joyful revolution. That’s the whole point. A life that requires faith is worth living, and a life on the edge is one where you live hand-in-hand and arm-in-arm with God. That’s what we’re living for.”